How to Improve Your Study Skills?

Do you want to improve your greads? Do you want to study effectively? Here are some idea to help you.

1.       Make a study group. Start by making connections with other students in your classes.  Don't feel you have to limit yourself to study only with friends or familiar faces.   Recruit smart people who can reliably keep up with homework, who will stay focused and who will actively contribute to the process.  start building a group of like-minded students who share your goals for success. Be sure to develop a set of study rules to establish the “where’s” and “how’s” and stick by them. The most successful study group is one in which everyone comes prepared and every person participates in going over and presenting the material to the group, asking relevant questions to bring clarity and understanding to the learning process.  Study groups require responsibility, trust and commitment, so look for classmates who are capable of bringing something positive to the group and will commit themselves over the long haul. If you decide to form a study group, establish some rules and guidelines at your first meeting to keep the group from being distracted and losing enthusiasm and momentum.  Limit the size of your group to three to five students.  Too many students may add confusion and organizational problems.

2.       Learn everyday
We can learn something by reading books or newspapers or asking someone who has knowledges. Discussing with our friend is also good to improve our study skills. Then we can practice our skill in our daily activities.

3.       Have lots of practices. Don’t just focus to read textbooks or listen what your teacher/lecturer say in the class all the time, but you need to do some exercises too. Learn lots of theories without practices are useless. Practice what you learn makes it perfect. So, if you are learning a new language, speaking with another person and surround yourself with immersive experiences can be one of the best ways to improve your language skills. For subjects based on accounting such as Mathematics and Statistics, try to answer any questions and understand some ways to finish it, begin at the simple questions to the complex one. For subjects based on researching such as Biology, Chemistry, or Physics, doing some research in a laboratory about phenomenon aroundof your surroundings and compare it with theory. While, for subjects based on memorizing textbooks, like social sciences such as History, Law, Sociology, or Administration and Management, answering any multiple choice or essay question and try to solve any cases based on its theory.

4.       Join the course.There is an wiseman word that “who don’t have something, cant give something ”. rely on that word, the most important thing if you want to do this tips are you must study first. Oftenly, someone must read the same text twice, or more to get understand what is written in it. And even if he/she already know it, some people easily get forget it. With teach others we will automatically doing repetition, and its can increase our understanding about one topic. By taching also you must remembering again what you have already learned, this things make it lasting longer in our memory. These strategies have been established within cognitive psychology literature and offer a ways to improve memory, enhance recall and increase retention of information.

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